Metabolic Blood Test

Metabolic Blood tests are a special group of tests that is not done as a routine test for diagnosis of Therapy resistant diseases.

This is neither part of the routine Master Health Checkups.

These group of tests are the main tests for the endocrine systems and hormonal profiles. It also contains tests that throw light on allergies, Intestinal permeability, Inflammatory markers, Cardiac markers, minerals, Biochemistry, antibodies and many more.

Metabolic Blood Test

Metabolic blood tests are special tests mainly ordered by doctors specialised in Functional Medicine, Metabolic Medicine or Integrated Medicine practicing doctors. These tests throw more light on many of the so called difficult to treat diseases, Auto Immune diseases, Cancers, Nutritional deficiencies, Endocrine disorders, Allergies, Cancer and Cardiac markers.

Many times some of the chronic diseases are lingering mainly due to non identification of the causes of the diseases. Some simple tests gives a great deal of info many times. For example a test called IgE antibody whose value can give us a clear idea about the type of allergies present like Gluten Allergy, Dust allergy or allergy due to toxins generated from the parasites in the body.

With this report a correct avoidable food list for gluten sensitivity can be prescribed. Also a clear parasite protocol can be provided to deal with the parasites which many times are the most important causes for chronic skin diseases and respiratory diseases and allergies.

Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can be initiated wit the help of the hormones analysis report.

Many of the deficiencies are diagnosed and a proper supplementation of Nutrients, minerals, natural anti inflammatory supplements, Vitamins, anti Oxidants and many more supplements can be prescribed and stubborn diseases can be cured.


What information can we get from Metabolic Blood Tests?

Metabolic blood tests area group of tests which can give us details about the following :

  • All Hormones like Thyroid hormones, Pituitary hormones,  Pancreatic hormone, Adrenal hormones, Ovarian and Testicular hormones.
  • Inflammatory & Tumor markers
  • Antibodies
  • Kidney, Renal functions
  • Lipid profile
  • Minerals, Electrolytes and many more.
Who can take this Test?

Any one can take this test irrespective of whether you have a symptom or not. Many times diseases don't show up symptoms. So it is advisible to take for anyone above the age of 20 if there are any mild symptoms. Consult your family physician on the choice of the test.

What is the duration of the Test and when will the Report be ready?
Take this is like ordinary blood test where about 5 ml of venous blood is drawn and the analysis is done. The results are give mostly with in 24 hours except for a few tests where it might take between 3 to 5 days.
How is this Test Done?

Its done by simple blood drawing like any other blood test. Urine & Stool samples are also analysed depending upon the need.

Can the Test diagnose a Disease? What is different from the conventional blood test?

Yes, it can diagnose a disease like hypo or hyper condition of endocrine glands, Bowel flora status, Tumors based on the markers, Auto immune diseases and many more.

To schedule for Diagnostic Tests, fill in your details on the form and submit it Or call us on the number given in the form.