We care to address your health issues with one or more treatments to bring you back to the best of your health. Check below a short summary of all the treatments we provide and click on the link or on the image for details.

If you have not yet decided on the right treatment for you, speak with our staff for details or schedule a consultation and book an appointment with the doctor.

After the consultation, the doctor will recommend the appropriate treatments necessary for you.

Quantum Biofeedback
Colon Hydrotherapy
IV Nutrition
Weight Reduction
Rife Therapy
Functional Medicine
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
Yoga & Naturopathy
Face Lift
Stress Management
All Treatments
Quantum Biofeedback
Colon Hydrotherapy
IV Nutrition
Weight Reduction
Rife Therapy
All Treatments


Sujok is the fastest way to treat all types of pains within few minutes. All types of diseases including Mental, Emotional, and Physical disturbances, All difficult to treat problems, Chronic diseases, Hormonal issues and Psychosomatic problems can be treated.



With the most advanced tools that the industry has to offer, we do our best to get you the Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) is a computer-controlled squeezing of the legs and lower abdomen in synchrony with the heartbeat which increases the blood flow into the organs and the entire body forcefully during the diastolic-relaxing period of the heart.



Chelation therapy is the process of removing from the body the undesirable metallic ions by infusion, or taking orally, of an organic compound which has suitable chelating properties.

Quantum Biofeedback


New age futuristic Quantum based analysis cum treatment using SCIO-EDUCTOR, the latest Hi-Tech Bio-feedback machine to Diagnosis and treat Physical, Mental, Emotional and also corrections of Chakras and Auras.



Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a novel treatment where the body's own components in the blood are isolated using special techniques and deployed into the target areas of the body to repair and restore the parts of the body and structures.



A novel, Non-Surgical Procedure to restore damaged joints. Injecting ozone and nutrients into the joint space to restore damaged tissues. Prevents knee replacement. NO STEROIDS.



Ozone therapy is used For many incurable diseases like Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue, Cancer, Hepatitis, Macular degeneration and many Neuro degenerative diseases.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is a simple, safe and effective way for cleaning the large bowel. Since the colon harbours the waste products the chance of body reabsorbing the toxins are high. Bowel flora containing the Bacterias, Viruses and Fungus have to be good for a healthy digestion and life. Corrects all problems of digestion and absorption.

IV Nutrition

IV Nutrition

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a method of feeding vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream used for correcting intracellular nutrient deficiencies. Many of the diseases and disorders are mainly due to deficiencies of micronutrients, vitamins, amino acids, minerals. Some diseases are due to heavy metal toxins and other toxins which can be treated by IV Chelation therapy and the body safely detoxed.



Acupuncture is one of the oldest treatment methods used by mankind. Documented proof of usage for more than ten thousand (10,000) years are available. For all type of diseases including Mental, Emotional, and Physical disturbances, All difficult to treat problems, Chronic diseases, Pains and Psychosomatic problems can be treated.

Weight Reduction

Weight Reduction

Weight Loss is successfully done at Koncept after thoroughly diagnosing the cause through Metabolic Blood tests, Quantum Biofeedback and a detailed history and a customised solution is given along with scientifically proven treatments done in our facility. Regular Diet counselling and follow ups are done to increase the compliance.

Rife Therapy

Rife Therapy

Rife therapy is an advanced method of treatment where Resonant sound waves piggy backed on Radio waves generated by a special Plasma Light emission machine are used to Zap the pathogens in the body, influence organ and tissue function, Regenerate cells and tissues, Reduce inflammation, stop degeneration, reduce stress and regulate emotions and mental disturbances.