Prolozone is a novel, Non-Surgical Procedure to restore damaged joint by injecting ozone and nutrients like Dextrose and B Complex into the joint space to restore damaged tissues.
This Treatment prevents knee replacement. There are NO STEROIDS USED.
Its a day-care procedure requiring few minutes to complete. There is no downtime, clients can restore normal day to day activities immediately after the procedure.
It is done under local anaesthetic spray so that there is no pain during or after the procedure.
- Osteoarthritis Knee
- Periarthritis Shoulder
- Heel Pain/Plantar fasciitis
- Tennis Elbow/ Epicondylitis
- Ankle joint pain
- Lumbar Spondylosis
- Cervical spondylosis
- Small joint arthritis
- Hip joint arthritis
- Myofascial trigger points
- Coccydynia
- All joints/Muscular/Facia pains
This is a non-surgical, very simple procedure, cost-effective and gives reasonably good results in the majority of the patients even in last stages of Osteoarthritis. THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR JOINT REPLACEMENT. This procedure takes a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes and is relatively Painless. No admission required more of a daycare procedure. No need for Bed rest after the procedure done for surgery to get a perfect aseptic area.
Prolozone is an excellent method of treatment using a combination of Nutrients (liquid) and Ozone (gas) and injected into the damaged and degenerated joints to reverse degenerative changes and bring the functionality back to normal
In the present day scenario where life span of people have considerable increased, the joints especially knee gets worm out and leads to osteoarthritis (OA). This creates severe pain in the knee leading to difficulty in walking, squatting, sitting on the floor, climbing up & down the stairs, interfering with normal day to day activities. Apart from aging, stress, hormonal imbalance and exercise, work load leads the knees and hip joints to worn out easily.
Prolozone helps to regain normalcy in joints, relieve pain, increases functioning of the joints and gives great relief to do all day to day activities. Prolozone can be done in the damaged Knee, Shoulder, Hip, Heel, Ankle, Cervical Spine, Lumbar Spine, Sacro-Iliac joints. Prolozone can also be used in Scars, Subcutaneous areas around the pain site, “Prolozone can prevent knee replacement surgery”.