Weight Reduction

Weight Loss is successfully done at Koncept after thoroughly diagnosing the cause through Metabolic Blood tests, Quantum Biofeedback and a detailed history and a customised solution are given along with scientifically proven treatments done in our facility.

Regular Diet counselling and follow-ups are done to increase compliance.

Diseases Treated
How does Treatment help?
The Benefits/Wellness
The Procedures
About Weight Reduction
Diseases Treated
  • Obesity due to excess eating (calories)
  • Obesity due to PCOD
  • Obesity due to Hormonal disturbances
  • Obesity due to improper metabolism
  • Obesity due to other causes
How does Treatment help?
Obesity is the main cause of many modern-day diseases like Osteoarthritis, Cardiac diseases, Low back pain, Diabetes and metabolic disorders, Depression, Sleep Apnea, Snoring and many more day to day inconveniences.

By detailed analysis and diagnosis about the cause of obesity and addressing it in the most scientific way leads to the loss of weight and maintaining a healthy BMI which prevents many diseases.
The Benefits/Wellness
  • Boost the morale
  • Prevents lots of diseases in future
  • Relaxes mind
  • Reduces or Stops Snoring and Sleep Apnea
  • Exercise helps the body to regain shape and Strength
  • Increases Fertility
  • Improve Social Life
  • Make One Feel Good
The Procedures

A detailed individual-specific Weight-reduction plan will be discussed during the consultation with the patient. The plan will include many of the following procedures.

  • Diet Plan
  • Exercise Plan
  • Supplements Based on Metabolic blood test results
  • Advice on Sleep Pattern
  • Meditation/Pranayama/Yoga
  • Colon Hydrotherapy
  • Quantum Biofeedback
  • Sujok /Acupuncture
  • Lipolysis Using Laser/Ultrasound
  • Mesotherapy
  • Ozone Sauna
3 to 6 months is ideal for reducing weight naturally using established medical methods.
About Weight Reduction

xObesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children.

First, a thorough physical examination is done to understand the fat distribution and the impacts it has created on the body.

Then a complete metabolic panel of Blood test is done to ascertain the cause of the obesity and identify the exact causes.

Based on the results, a thorough Diet plan, Supplements plan, lifestyle plan which includes sleep pattern and exercise, addressing the stressor, Yoga, meditation, Pranayama and many more advised are done.
Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn't just a cosmetic concern. It is a medical problem that increases your risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.

The issue has grown to epidemic proportions and according to WHO estimates more than 1.5 billion people fall under the category of obesity around the world.


Does the treatment used for weight reduction have any side effects?
  • The treatment protocol is completely safe which includes Simple resistance exercises like Theraband and walking, Lifestyle changes like sleep/Wake pattern regulation, Diet plan depending upon the results of the metabolic test. For example, if there is more Insulin sensitivity the clients would be asked to follow Intermittent Fasting or Fasting mimicking diet or if itis not there they would be advised on simple caloric control.
  • If found to have hormonal imbalance as the cause of obesity then corrective measures would be initiated.
  • If other causes like chronic inflammation or Leaky gut or Bowel flora disturbances are identified, then the treatment using supplements would be advised.
  • All of these are absolutely safe and has no side effects whatsoever.