Hyperbaric ozone therapy is a procedure also called “10-pass” Ozone therapy, is an advanced therapy where a special German machine using a negative pressure sucks 200 ml of blood from the larger vein and collects in a special vacuum bottle into which 70 Gamma ozone is bubbled through and this ozonated blood is pushed at higher than atmospheric pressure into the body.
This procedure is repeated 10 times in a span of about 40 minutes to one hour. This is done under the guidance of an expert in this field
- Cancer all types
- Anti-aging
- Chronic fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Rejuvenation
- Autoimmune disorder
- Stubborn skin diseases like psoriasis
- Recurrent infection of all types
- Macular degeneration and visual defects
- Immune deficiency
Hyperbaric Ozone therapy helps in flooding the body with a high dose of ozone and helps in oxygen utilization by the tissues and cells. This is a proven method of generating the stem cells in the body which is very useful for all degenerative diseases. According to German Nobel laureate, Otto Warburg cancer cells cannot grow in an oxygen environment. By this method, the whole body is flooded with oxygen which helps in preventing and treating cancer.
- A special machine designed and manufactured in Germany by Zotzmaan, also referred to as Mercedes of ozone machines is used.
- With the patient lying on a comfortable couch a cannula is inserted into a larger vein and connected to the vacuum bottle. This sucks about 200ml of blood and then the machine generates a pure 70 gamma ozone and bubbles it into the blood.
- Then with a positive atmosphere pressure into the ozonated blood bottle, the blood is pushed into the veins (you are right “Pushed” not as a slow drip).
- This one cycle takes about 3 to 4 minutes and the same is repeated about 5 to 10 times depending upon the requirement within a span of about 40 to 50 minutes.
- There is no need for any post-procedure waiting time. The client can resume his works without any delay.
- This procedure can be repeated once or twice a week.
This is a very novel method and very safe. Done by specialized trained doctors and therapist.
In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased to three times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure.
Your blood carries this oxygen throughout your body. This helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.
This system was developed by an Australian doctor (scientist Dr Johann Lahodny) and is being practiced for more than 20 years by him and his colleges in Germany and many locations all over the world especially in the USA.